The famous Caneti Oil

Unfortunately for 2024 all the cans of Caneti Oil are already at their new owners.  
Stil it is possible to make a donation to directly support our musicians!


Thanks to LuppOlio, Enrico, Daniela and Luigi, the famous olive oil from Caneti in Cervo is again available in a very limited edition this year. As described in the video below, this oil is not only Italy's best high quality, 100% biologic, extra-virgin olive oil, but also provides happiness and fulfilment in life! 

Make a donation with a minimum of €75 to support the Cervo Chamber Music festival, and the first 15 sponsors will receive a 1 liter can of the best olive oil in Italy! 

For more photos click here.

Caneti olive oil harvest video:

*subtitles in english / sottotitoli in italiano